Sunningwell Steel

Sunningwell Steel S.A. was registered in 2019. The shareholders’ intention is for Sunnignwell Steel to become a Polish steel holding company covering the acquired assets in Poland, Romania and potentially other Central and Eastern European countries. The main shareholders of the holding are Sunningwell International Polska and Sunnignwell Inetrnational Limited.

Laminorul Danube Metallurgical Enterprise (LDME)
LDME is incorporated in 2019, under the law of Romania to facilitate acquisition of assets as well as manage them in the territory of Romania.

This company has already acquired two mills in Romania, which previously belonged to Invest Nikarom: Otelu Rosu Mill and Laminorul Braila Mill.

Sunningwell International Polska has leased COS Targoviste for 12 months with firm intention to purchase assets of this plant and considers acquisition of two other mills in Romania – Ductil Steel Buzau and ISCT.

Sunningwell Steel
The Holding comprises plants in Romania:

COS TARGOVISTE S.A. (leased by Sunningwell)


COS Targoviste is one of the main producers of steel and steel products in Romania. Since its establishment in 1969, the activity of the plant has been divided into several different periods.


In March 2013, production activities were successfully resumed. The aim of the plant is to produce steel and steel products using technologies that are safe for employees and the environment.
The management team has implemented a complex restructuring and reorganisation process aimed at zero operating profit and, in the long run, a positive profit which would enable investments in business development. Constant adaptation of production to market requirements, rationalization of production costs in order to obtain competitive final prices, increase in sales are only some of the implemented measures which have brought positive results.

LAMINORUL BRAILA (purchased by Sunningwell)


LAMINORUL DANUBE METALLURGICAL ENTERPRISE S.R.L. is a large commercial company, specializing in the processing of ferrous metals in their original state and semi-finished products.


Thanks to 50 years of experience in milling technology engineering, in the 80’s Laminorul produced more or less any profile with a cross-section from 36 mm2 to 6400 mm2, depending on market demand.

Since 1993, the technological process has been computerized through programs created by the company’s specialists. Today Laminorul Braila has overcome a long transition period from a centralised to a market economy and is in a phase of dynamic development.

DUCTIL STEEL OTELU ROSU (purchased by Sunningwell)


OTELU ROSU is part of the metallurgical group in Romania, together with 4 other metallurgical plants: COS Targoviste, Ductil Steel Buzau, Laminorul Braila and Industria Sarmei Campia Turzii.


OTELU ROSU STEEL PLANT is a metallurgical unit of DUCTIL STEEL. OTELU ROSU produces low, medium, high carbon and high-alloy steel billets for further rolling of non-concrete reinforcing bars, wire and special steels. The designed production capacity is 850.000 tonnes/year of liquid steel. The total area of land belonging to the Otel Rosu plant is 85.3695 ha.

Other additional production capacity is located on the land belonging to the Otel Rosu plant in the municipalities of Zavoi and Glimboca.

INDUSTRIA SARMEI CAMPIA TURZII (planned acquisition by Sunningwell)


Is a Romanian metallurgical company specialising in the production of ferrous metals and semi-finished products. It is based in Campia Turzii, Romania. ISCT has over 240 employees.


With over 90 years of experience in the production of drawn wire, ISCT is one of the leaders in Eastern Europe in the production of drawn wire and hot dip galvanized wire.

Specializing in the production of cold drawn wire and hot dip galvanized wire, ISCT’s market activities are based on a company strategy that focuses on the success of its customers.

The company has an environmental management system certificate ISO 14001:2015.

DUCTIL STEEL BUZAU (planned acquisition by Sunningwell)


Currently Ductil Steel is one of the main Romanian wire and wire products manufacturers. The history of the company began in 1963, in Buzau, when the Wire and Wire Products Factory was established.


In the following period, the focus was on expanding the production capacity, thus increasing the diversity of the product range. Looking at the constant evolution of customers’ requirements, the company develops new methods of responding to their needs from year to year. The evolution of Ductil Steel was marked by many socio-economic changes, as well as technical and technological movements, which took place at the national and international level. As a result of the change imposed by the market economy in 1991, “Factory of Wire and Wire Products” became SC Ductil SA Buzau.

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